Instructions for Editing Your Firm Page & Posting

Click here for instructions:

8-6-2015-Instructions -NewPostandEditingFirmPage

1-16-2016: SPECIAL NOTICE :
ArCH has just implemented its new MMS (Membership Management Software), which registers you automatically, using the Username and Password you provide when you fill out your membership form for the first time.  This means that you will already be registered on the ArCHwebsite and therefore, you should not have to re-register, per the referenced instructions above under item #2.

Also: ArCHmms is in the process of automating the creation of each new ArCHmember’s webpage on the ArCHwebsite.   When that happens, you should receive an automated notice making you aware that your firm’s webpage has been created (waiting for you to fill it in as you deem appropriate).  You WILL need to follow the referenced detailed instructions on the above link to understand how to make WordPress entries onto your ArCHwebsite firm page.