This ArCHwebpage lists the only CERTIFIED RESIDENTIAL ARCHITECTS in the world. They are as follows:
CRAfts #
Rand Soellner, ArCH, CRAfts, NCARB
Senior Staff Architect of HOME ARCHITECTS.
Date of Certification:
Means of CRAfts Certification:
Earning 10 ArCHdes awards: 2016 (1), 2017 (4), 2018 (5).
States of Licensure as of CRAfts initial Certification:
NC, FL, TN, SC, WA(state).
Mr. Soellner has the distinction of being the World’s first Certified Residential Architect.

World’s first Certified Residential Architect: Rand Soellner, ArCH, CRAfts, NCARB
“I’ve always enjoyed designing homes. The first building type I ever designed was a home, back in high school. Ever since then, each and every house I’ve created has been a labor of love, designed to impart that joy to the owners who live in it, incorporating their needs, wants and dreams, integrated with their particular land.”
CRAfts #
Rachel Burton, ArCH, CRAfts, NCARB, OAA, AIA
Swallowtail Architecture.
Date of Certification:
Means of CRAfts Certification:
Earning 10 ArCHdes awards: 2017 (4), 2018 (5), 2019 (2).
States of Licensure as of CRAfts initial Certification:
SC: USA, Ontario Canada.
Ms. Burton has the distinction of being the World’s second Certified Residential Architect.
“So much in architecture depends on the right fit. The way the design fits the landscape. The way the building fits the use. And the way a room fits the people who live in it. Getting the right fit takes a rare combination of consultation and vision. For me, each home is a beautiful gem. Each needs the perfect setting and fit, both for the owners and for the landscape on which the home sits.”
CRAfts #
Mr. Dion Seminara ArCH, Fellow-Australian Institute of Architects (FAIA)
Senior Staff Architect of Dion Seminara Architecture.
Date of Certification:
Means of CRAfts Certification:
Earning 10 ArCHdes awards: 2016 (4), 2017 (5), 2018 (3).
States of Licensure as of CRAfts initial Certification:
AU (Australia).
Mr. Seminara has the distinction of being the World’s third Certified Residential Architect. He is also a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Architects.

World’s 3rd Certified Residential Architect, Dion Seminara, ArCH, CRAfts, FAIA (AU)
“My goal for my clients is to ensure they have a great living environment both inside and out. I am passionate about what I do in every respect, from the overall design of your building to the detailed design of the interiors and full external works including landscaped spaces. I admit I am a perfectionist. I want to ensure my clients have the best-designed outcome that sits within their means. As the world famous mid-century architect Mies van der Rohe said and I agree wholeheartedly – “God is in the details…”
CRAfts #
Will this be you?
Enter the ArCHdes awards program each year and earn 10 awards. Then you will qualify for your CRAfts, if you are a licensed Architect anywhere in the world.